When you start your job search, you probably have an idea in your mind (or even on paper) of what kind of job you are looking for – your wish list.
Your wish list might include:
- what kind of company (size, reputation, sector, location)
- what kind of job (permanent, temporary, contract, part-time, full-time)
- what level of role (individual contributor, people manager)
- logistics (salary, annual leave, flexitime)
- job content (responsibilities, tasks)
Having your wish list helps you to pick and choose which jobs you will apply for based on the job description you read online, as well as the information you are able to gather about a company from your network, internet research, and through the job search process.
What About Them?
Just like you have your wish list, a company has theirs too. Often, they share that wish list with you within the job advert. They may list qualifications, experience required, the job content itself. All of this helps you get a good picture of what the job is, but also who they think they need to be able to successfully undertake the role.
But what if you don’t have all the skills and qualifications they are looking for? Do you still apply?

Let me share a secret with you. Most of the time when a business hires a candidate, that candidate doesn’t have all the skills and experience they asked for in the job advert.
Companies recognise that new hires need time to grow into their role and become 100% competent. While some skills and experience can be baseline requirements to do a job, having them usually just gets you into the interview process. A lot of the time, qualifications they ask for as desired rather than required.
So What About You?
A well-written CV that shows your career journey and how you’ve expanded your skills and experience so far. Make sure you are also able to give a clear indication of where you want to go over the next few years in your development. This can stand you in good stead for being offered a role that you don’t fully meet the qualifications for.
If you lack a qualification, then you could see if the potential employer is willing to sponsor you through getting a qualification in your field. In the UK, the re-launched apprenticeship programme gives you access to bachelors and masters level qualifications like never before.
Ultimately, if you have some of the skills needed, and you aren’t afraid to ask questions and make mistakes, you’re probably a good candidate for any role you are applying for where you don’t tick every box.
If you are little unsure about how best to market yourself despite not having all the qualifications or experience you want, then it might be time to work with me. I have a few different offers that can support you on your career journey. Read more here.
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