Earlier this month I went to see Marie Forleo speak about her new book “Everything is Figureoutable“.  I’ve had Marie in my orbit for a few years now.  Last year, I took the plunge and signed up to her “B-School“, an online programme that helped me get much clearer about my coaching business.

I will confess that I haven’t read her book yet.  I am looking forward to reading what she has to say and will hopefully find the time before the end of the year. I do like her philosophy that “everything is figureoutable”.  I didn’t have a catchy phrase for it, but this has been my own approach for several years now.

Figuring It Out

I’ve been through my fair share of ups and downs in my life and career so far.  Each time, after getting over the initial emotional reaction, I was able to sit down and think about how I was going to get my way out of the situation and onto the next thing.  I guess part of it was because I often just refuse to give up or give in!  I also knew intuitively that there’s always a way out, always another way.  It was just a case of deciding which way I was willing to go next.

Do You Figure It Out Too?

What about you and your life and career?  When things aren’t going your way, do you take the time to figure your next step out? Are you able to sit down and look at the situation and make a plan for how you are going to tackle it?

Do you reflect on the last time you managed to navigate through a tricky situation?  What helped?  What allowed you to move forward?  Who helped you?  What advice have you got from others?  What advice would you give a friend in the same situation?

Are You A Victim?

There’s always a way to get through something you are dealing with.  Sometimes we secretly enjoy being the victim of our circumstances.  It gets us pity.  It gets us help.  It gets us the attention of others.  Being a victim doesn’t allow you to win at life. 

It’s much more productive and satisfying in the long run to adopt the “everything is figureoutable” philosophy.  Helping people to figure out what next is why I set up my coaching business.  Coaches can be great resources and allies in helping you to figure out your next steps.

Work With Me

If you are stuck in your career and want some help from me to figure your next move out, then I’d love to work 1:1 with you through my “Grow Your Career” programme.  I can only work with a few clients at a time so I can give my full attention to supporting you on your journey.

If you want to find out more about working together, you can request  a free 30 minute call with me here where we can chat, I’ll give you some career advice and we’ll see if we’re a good fit for working together.

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