Sometimes it feels like you just can’t catch a break.  You’re doing everything you believe you should be, and more, yet you still don’t seem to be making much progress.  You’re exhausted, out of ideas, and luck left a while ago.  So what’s going on?  success vs failure

It could be a number of things, or a combination of things.   But when life doesn’t seem to be working in your favour, there is a reason for it that you might be choosing to overlook too.  Let’s see what might be going on:

1. You have your life focused on a path that doesn’t belong to you

Maybe it came from your parents, a teacher encouraged you somewhere along the way, or a long line of family history.  Or maybe it was due to certain circumstances or situations or compromises you made for a loved one.  Wherever it came from, you have followed it like a good person should.  But it isn’t you.  And it doesn’t matter how hard you try, it will never be you.  So of course you’re floundering.  You are trying to follow a path that someone else has carved out for you or was only supposed to be a temporary detour.

2. You’ve lost track of being here now

Living your life just going through the motions and surviving from one day to the next is not doing you any favours.  You’re there but you’re not there.  Present in body but not in mind or soul.  You’re focused on the past or the future, and have numbed yourself to the present.  You’ve become the epitome of just enough.  Whether it be around your family and loved ones, or at work, you’re scraping by on the bare minimum.

3. You’ve hung onto something that doesn’t belong to you

It might be a relationship that has become dysfunctional.  A job that you no longer enjoy.  A hope that things will get better.  Or even a sense of injustice that he or she got that promotion that should have been yours.  You’re hanging onto things that should have been dealt with a long time ago.  A man who is now cheating on you.  A friend who draws you into the drama in their life.  A sibling who just never seems to grow up.  Whoever these people are or whatever these things are, they drain you rather than nourish you and you are hanging onto them as if your life depended on it.

4. Something that shouldn’t have happened to you did and you haven’t got over it

Redundancy, a miscarriage, you were cheated on, someone close to you got really sick, or any number of injustices that happen to ordinary people every day.  But the problem is that you don’t consider yourself ordinary.  No.   You are extraordinary so you don’t deserve ordinary things to happen to you so you just can’t get over the fact that it did.  However, you are human, and human things happen to humans.  It’s our capacity to accept it, learn from it, adjust, and move forward.  No grudges, no spite, no contempt.

Getting Back on Track

If any one of these, or combination, ring true, then I hope the pennies might be dropping.  Even if things aren’t working out for you, you never lost you life purpose, your sense of why you are here.  You just let something else interfere and steer you towards something that isn’t yours to have.

Your path is there, you just need to find it again.  Contact me to book your free 1-hour coaching session where we can begin to talk about your true path and work towards finding it.  Read more about my “Stepping Stones to Happiness” programme which will help you to discover clarity and inspire action within you to find your true path in life.


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