careerIf you are in your 20’s or 30’s, you might be wondering what this “career” thing is because you just can’t see yourself doing something similar to what you are doing now for the next 40 years!

I have some good news for you – you won’t be carving yourself out a career in one company or one field like your parents and grandparents did.  That is not the world we live in anymore.


It’s Time For Some New Rules!

The western education system was designed for the industrial revolution.  The job-for-life/company-for-life model worked for the post-war era where people needed and wanted stability after so much loss and destruction.  The 21st Century is an entirely different story that needs a whole new approach.

Within your lifetime, the working world has seen the introduction of computers, the internet, mobile phones, email, conference calling, webinars, social media and telecommuting that has revolutionised how we work day-to-day.  Yet the concept of a career in most of our minds is still that of what it would have been before all this technology came into the everyday.


Redefining Your “Career”

What if you were to shift your focus on redefining your “career” as the evolution of WHO you are as a person, rather than WHAT you do?  Make a career out of finding things to do that capitalises on all the best bits of you.  Allow yourself to open up, to reclaim the creativity, talent and natural abilities you lost as you grew up and were conditioned by a structured school system that dictated that you be good at counting, spelling and reading.

The happiest people in this world are those who threw that aside and concentrated on their natural skills and talents, and when they do that, we all get to revel in their glory.  Think of a world without Elton John, Richard Branson, Whitney Houston, Oprah Winfrey, Hugh Jackman, and countless other “celebrities” who dared to share their talent with the world?

Will you dare to share yours?


Share Your Insights

What do you think your natural gifts and talents are?  Share your gifts below.


Your First Stepping Stone

If you are interested in exploring more about your natural gifts and talents, read more about my Stepping Stones to Happiness programme, and contact me for a free 1-hour coaching session to learn more about what coaching can help you discover.